ეს არის საუკეთესო პროგრაამ რომელიც XPს აძლევს VISTAს სკინებს და ზოგიერთ ფუნქციას. ფუნქციები: * Complete theme overhaul (display error corrected, fonts converted and the various shell sty*es improved) * High-resolution animations for copying, moving and deleting included are back * Startup has been integrated * Improved icons and bitmaps * Single bug in the installer and uninstaller resolved * Problem with the takeover of the sounds, wallpaper, etc. resolved * Errors in the de-installation routine resolved * Complete overhaul of the logon screen (much closer to the original Vista, and Safe mode should also work) * Complete overhaul of True Transparency Designs (now also a theme, VistaMizedDark) * VistaMize review of the theme (now back with a higher start-Orb) * Review of the copying, moving and deleting dialogues (animation is not rigid now) * Upgrade of the additional applications on the current version * Error corrected in Visual Task Tips * New additional application Blaero start Orb (replaces ViOrb) * ViStart additional application has been removed (Because of the 2nd developer and the fact that the program is still causing problems) * Improved installation and de-installation routine * Other small fixes OS requirements for VistaMizer: * OS: WinXP/2003 [by.hades] {www.hades.ucoz.net}